✅Our training courses are designed to prepare the next generation of employees who will enter the digital world of industry with a flourish. As part of the Engineers of the Future project, you can deepen your knowledge in three areas:
🎯intelligent industrial production
🎯energy efficiency and circular economy
✅These are key elements of the new digital world of industry🚀. Especially in the context of the 2021-2027 perspective implemented under the Digital Europe program.💻
✅Organizing courses is great fun for us, but at the same time a great responsibility and challenge💪. Project "Engineers of the Future – Smart, Skilled, Secure" is being carried out in collaboration with the National Erasmus+ Agency and a powerful team from Lucian Blaga University, GAIA Cluster, and Smart Secure Networks. More details can be found on the website https://www.erasmus-v.ssnetworks.eu/.